CMDBuild READY2USE is a vertical application based on the framework CMDBuild from which it inherits the architecture and components.
In the download CMDBuild READY2USE file are included:
- the data model suggested in the variants:
- with demo data
- no data (with / without predisposition GIS)
- workflows for managing maintenance
- reports for monitoring data
The application also includes functions derived from CMDBuild for displaying BIM IFC 3D models.
CMDBuild READY2USE is web-based software, there is no executable file and it must run on a web server and accessed through a web browser. It runs on any flavor of Linux or OSX as well as Windows, however you are expected to have a good knowledge of setting up a web server on an enterprise stack.
Below are indicated hardware and software requirements. Please refer to the Technical Manual of CMDBuild.
System requirements
Hardware minimum requirements:
- server-class computer (modern architecture)
- 16 GB of RAM
- 150 GB of available hard disk space for each CMDBuild instance (SSD recommended)
- 4-core
Software requirements:
- any OS able to handle the following applications (linux recommended)
- PostgreSQL 15.x (15.5 recommended), 12.x still supported
- PostGIS 3.4.x (optional)
- Apache Tomcat 9.0 (9.0.82 recommended)
- Java 17 (OpenJDK recommended)
- Any DMS that supports the CMIS protocol (Alfresco Community recommended, optional)
- Geoserver 2.24.1 (optional)
- BIMServer 1.5.184 (optional)
- Docker (optional)
- ODA converter (needed to convert dwg to dxf, optional)
Included libraries:
- jdbc library for DB connection
- jasperreports libraries for report generation
- CMIS DMS client
- Ext JS libraries for user interface
- Server and client components for map making feature
- Server and client components for BIM viewer (xeokit and BIMSurfer)
Additional software that you may find useful (not included):
- JasperSoft Studio for custom report design
- Together Workflow Editor for custom workflow design
- OCS Inventory as automatic inventory software