Eurovita (Italy)
Eurovita S.p.A. is an insurance company specialized in life insurance. Based in Italy, with an English Investment Fund as owner, puts its products through 11 thousand financial advisors, 2.500 bank branches and 150 agents and has managed assets of 17 billion euro.
During the CMDBuild DAY 2018, Giancarlo Quagliaroli, IT Service Manager, speaks about their project with CMDBuild READY2USE:
“The current landscape was built in 2018 and is the result of the recent merge of three Companies: Eurovita (which use the bank channels), OMWI (financial advisors) and ERGO Previdenza (agents); these three Companies had different “DNA”, in terms of sales channels, products and service models. With the merge, the idea was to build a model that gather the variety of characteristics of the Companies, with very high expectations, from the market, the customers and the stakeholders. We needed therefore to create a common baseline, to make a “standardization”. As part of this new organization has been created a Service Management unit, whose focus were mainly Asset Management and Service Catalogue Management.
The “key factors” for choosing the tool were the following: ITIL compliance, cost driven, incremental approach, flexibility to customization. This choice has been a big challenge, we needed something “well done” but also not too “heavy” to approach from a project point of view, since we needed to deliver step by step results. The CMDBuild solution has been chosen since it was responding to all these requirements.
We started with the idea of focusing on some specific processes, and we started with the Asset Management, which was very important for us following the merge of the three Companies. This has been a quite easy job, we made a good work in short time period, also because CMDBuild READY2USE provides a lot of features for this purpose.
The Incident Management process was also implemented with an incremental approach: we implemented it using the idea of a “single point of contact” that managed all the incidents, with categories and sub-categories, and then with a two-level management (so a first point of contact and behind some groups that solve the problems).
The Access Management process is still in progress: we implemented the “Joiner” module (new employee), is in development the part for the “Leaver” (people that leave the Company), and we are analyzing the process for the “Mover”, expecting to close this part in year 2018.
Another important part is the Change Management, we already developed it and is currently in deployment.
Concerning some current figures, for Incident Management we have more than 200 users and so far in 2018 more than 6.000 tickets have been handled; this is a big number that gives us the possibility to understand better what are the problems inside the Company and to solve these in advance. About Access Management, starting from September 2018 all the access to IT Services and Hardware of the Company are managed in CMDBuild, so we have all the history and we are able to track, understand and have a clear view of all the Company.”
See the full speech of Mr. Giancarlo Quagliaroli at the CMDBuild DAY 2018.
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